Collaboration is Key!
Learning Lab
This lesson will discuss perhaps the most important aspect of launching a new website. Designing and launching a website requires collaboration between the designer and the business owner. Let's review why collaboration is so important and how it can be done effectively.
Collaboration Is The Key
Many business owners assume that they can just call a designer and say, "Make me a website and show it to me when it's done." That's a fantasy. The reality is that the success of a website launch requires a highly collaborative process between the business owner and the designer. Rapport, teamwork and communication also play a crucial role. ​Many designers tend to be selective in whom they work with, because they know how important a good match is to a project's success.
It's imperative for the designer to take the time to fully understand your business and empathize with the challenges you face. A good designer will also be able to help and coach the business owner through the design process. The entrepreneur must be willing to put the time and effort into the collaboration. A strong collaborative effort will result in a successful website, help build an authentic brand, implement effective marketing strategies and ultimately save the business owner time and money.